The benefits of sport on our body are indisputable. Thai boxing remains a complete sport, with multiple mental and physical benefits.
But doing Thai boxing is something else! A complete sport which is perfect to let off steam.
If you thought boxing was the oldest of the combat sports, you'd be wrong!
The history of Thai boxing

Thai or Muay Thai boxing is a real martial art . Thai boxing was originally created for the Thai military in the 16th century.
Muay Thai is also called "the Art of the Eight Limbs" because it is a sport where fists, feet, elbows and knees are used. A practitioner of Muay Thai is called Nak Muay.
Muay Thai finds its origins in ancestral martial practices such as muay boran. In Thailand, it is a real religion.
Historically, King Naresuan would have encouraged its practice in this capacity. Many fights were organized in the villages. It was a bit like the arena of the gladiators of Rome, Thai version!
At that time, Nak Muay fighters protected their hands with horsehair. Obviously, there were no weight classes for the fighters at the time.
Thai boxing reached its greatest popularity in the early 18th century, under the reign of Pra Chao Sua, "King Tiger" .
It was the favorite pastime of the people; each village organized fights regularly.
In Europe, it is in the Netherlands that Thai boxing has met the greatest success. The proof, the best fighters like Ramon Dekkers come from the Netherlands.
In its efficiency, Muay Thai surpasses many other combat sports when competitions are organized. It is also for this reason that many mma fighters use muay thai as the basis for their striking.
Muay Thai in Thailand
In Thailand Muay Thai is a real religion, it is the national sport. This sport represents a real industry in this country and supports more than 300,000 people.
Hundreds of fights are organized every week.
The most famous stadiums are the Lumpinee and Rajadamnoen stadiums. They are located in Bangkok. These are the reference stadiums in Muay Thai and they are known by all followers of this sport. A real battle arena, legendary fights take place there.
The benefits of Thai boxing
Thai boxing is beneficial whatever your level : beginner or confirmed.
Thai boxing is a combat sport that has many followers: women and men. Its regular practice provides many benefits.
Let's see why practicing Thai boxing on a regular basis can only be beneficial.
Why is Thai boxing beneficial?
Thai boxing is a complete and dynamic sport that presents benefits for the physical form and for the mind.
This sport incorporates a large dose of work and perseverance. Thai boxing trains you in discipline, courage, respect and vision.
Thai boxing improves physical condition
Thai boxing is a high intensity sport that helps improve endurance and cardiovascular disease. Thai boxing works the breath, the breath. A sport like Thai boxing tones the body and makes the muscles work .
It is a sport with regular and repeated movements.Regular practice strengthens your body
The arms and legs remain the main areas toned up during exercise. The whole body is called upon and gradually sculpted. It is not for nothing that the Thai fighters are cut like this.
By practicing boxing, you will burn fat all over your body. This obviously depends on your level of intensity and your weight. However, if you want to improve your physical condition, playing a sport like boxing is perfect for you.
When you are going to start boxing, the coach will not ask you to hit or hit accurately from the start. It is above all the technique that is important in this discipline.
When you are starting out, you don't have to train like a professional. You choose what type of boxing you want to practice.
Thai boxing develops instinctive reactions
Thai boxing also develops agility, reflexes and coordination. Thai boxing is a sport that helps you be more alert, agile and quick so you don't get caught out by your opponent and get hit.
By practicing boxing, you will develop your eye coho and your ability to react to a given situation quickly.
Thai boxing allows you to gain better mobility in space.
Thai boxing improves cognitive abilities
Cognitive abilities are the abilities of our brain that allow us to interact with our environment. Thai boxing helps develop our cognitive abilities.
The boxer works on the coordination and precision of his technical movements for better mobility.
A boxer must also know how to move correctly, in a small space such as the ring.
To develop your cognitive abilities, however, you don't need to fight. The simple fact of having to move to the training, will train you.
You will understand that Thai boxing is a sport that demands a lot of our brain , which must analyze a lot of information at the same time. Boxing allows you to be alert, agile, and quick.
The benefits of boxing are reflected in everyday life. By developing these abilities, you will obviously be more efficient in life outside of boxing since our cognitive abilities serve us every day.
Doing Thai boxing contributes to personal development
Personal development is doing work on yourself and nothing better than a sport like boxing for personal development. Thai boxing helps improve self-confidence and relieve stress . Indeed, Thai boxing allows you to push your limits. During workouts will force you to go beyond what you are capable of. Needless to say that after a good session you will be proud of yourself.
It's also when we see our progress that we feel better.
By practicing boxing, you will release endorphins, the pleasure hormone. It just means that you will feel better after a workout. It is a sport that forces you to surpass yourself and overcome your fears.
Thai boxing allows you to have better posture and better self-control . Sport helps to keep a positive state of mind. Boxing exercises promote the ability to concentrate.
The best boxing exercise to develop personal confidence is obviously sparring.
Contrary to popular belief, boxing is a great sport for children.It's a very good sport to be more sociable and to work on your discipline
In the end, Thai boxing is a great tool for personal development.
In conclusion, Thai boxing is a complete sport which will allow you to work on your mind and your physique. You choose the boxing you want to practice and the intensity at which you will train. Boxer at your own pace and progress slowly.
Whether you are a man or a woman, boxing will bring you many benefits.
We hope we have convinced you that boxing is a great sport!
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In the same theme, find our article " Improving your breathing during a fight ".
Good training!